Gardens on Spring Creek, September 17, 2022, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Tim Van Schmidt

OK, so Stewart Copeland’s “Police Deranged” show at Gardens on Spring Creek on September 17 featured a full set list of Police music, most with fresh musical approaches to very familiar material.
Copeland did the MC work and played his drum kit like he was filling up a stadium with sound. He had a tight little rock band backing him up and three singers to handle the vocals.
But, for me, the most valuable players on the stage that night were the members of the Fort Collins Symphony. Thanks to Copeland’s arrangements, there was a little spice thrown into the music that went a lot further than just changing the tempo or mashing up genres.
That night, whenever I heard a little something tugging at my ear to listen closer, it was coming from the Symphony risers. My favorite tune of the night was “Murder by Numbers”, featuring some rich orchestral parts.
When the show was revving up toward its finish with “Every Little Thing She Does is Magic”, the whole stage was rocking. That’s right, the Fort Collins Symphony was rocking, laying down a bed of sound that made the rest of Copeland’s band look good.
I walked away wondering what else Copeland was capable of — besides Police music — when he has an orchestra at his disposal. I’m wondering what else the Fort Collins Symphony can do too.